Social Media

Best Ways To Get More Page Views and traffic With Social Media Marketing

Social Media has become the bedrock of the marketing industry and its popularity has never been critical for brands and startups running across the world. Almost every other startup or company is highly active in social media platforms delivering key information to its users. Advertising and marketing through social media have increased manifolds accepting a wide variety of content to feed to the consumers. One of the key areas where many marketers failed to succeed is the right strategy that can overwhelm the competitors. 

In this feature from Digi Updates, the leading provider of news, guides, and tips related to digital marketing, you will learn to develop more traffic or page views through social media marketing for your social media pages or profiles. 

5 Ways to increase traffic or page views with social media marketing

Marketing is the key to online businesses and almost all startups. Its implementation will not go through only a mediocre process. In this game, strategy plays a crucial part to build robust brand awareness for your consumers or audiences. To find the right and best strategy, the best marketer will always bring risk-taking methodologies and brainstorm intensely with the available resources. 

If you are a rookie to social media marketing, this feature will definitely help you to bring more traffic to your social media profiles.

  1. Playing with Facebook Groups: Facebook groups are a solid foundation to build your initial social media traffic for your online store or any other online business. It is where you are eligible to get customers and audiences without paying anything. It is a place where you can also interact with prospects and attract more views from the members. 

But, simply posting in Facebook groups won’t work perfectly as it requires you to constantly engage with the groups’ content and other members. For example, you have to like or comment on other posts as well to keep your relevance high. If you continue to keep your engagement with the Facebook group high, then your posts will also have higher visibility, i.e. more members of the group will be able to see your posts.


2. Giving the right content: Most marketers fail to deliver the right content on social media. This automatically degrades your profile or social media pages. The best way to start with it is by giving an appropriate page or business name in social media in accordance with your line of business. Then, follow the content. 

Content should be also diversified to accommodate all elements of social media platforms. You have to not only give the right content but also set their types properly during the entire content marketing campaign. Your posts shouldn’t involve only textual content. You also have to be creative with graphics and short videos to build a tempting impression of your brand or business.


3. Make your contact easily visible: Most social media business profiles and pages fail to bring contact numbers or email ids to their audiences. Including contact numbers, email IDs, and Website details can easily boost the content or page views in the long run.

You should also provide contact details on your page or profile so that interested parties can quickly get in touch with your business. Keeping a WhatsApp chat button active on your profile is also important.


4. Scheduling important or viral content: Viral content plays a crucial part in digital marketing including social media marketing. But, viral content must be shared at the right time to get the most out of the active audience. Viral content is propagated faster than other types of content, and if it’s a viral video, then you can attract a huge audience by sharing at the right time.

In social media platforms, the highest audience will only be available for you at a specific time depending upon your business location and target market. Generally, the morning hours between 8.30 am to 11 am are considered heavy traffic hours. You should carefully schedule your viral video in these hours to get the most traffic or page views/page likes/page follows.

Content Marketing

5. Using original and informative videos: Videos are playing a vital role in social media marketing and you shouldn’t miss this type of content. Informative and good-to-know videos are frequently shared by the audience, which automatically raises the visibility of your profile or business page. 

There is a range of Video-Making apps and free software on the internet that can help you greatly in creating stunning videos. But, to get the best video marketing strategy, you must include audio and subtitles in your videos to allow social media search engines to find the right content for their users. 

Bottom Line:

Social Media Marketing is a rage and every business or social media page owner wants a cut from it because of a highly active audience. If you want to become the best marketer, you always have to depend on the right strategy. The right strategy may not give instant results but will take you through immense hard work. You might have to rely on hit-and-trial methods to determine the right and the best strategy for social media marketing.

Digi Updates

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