Write For Us

Do you treat digital marketing seriously? Or do you have any tutorials you could share with people who want to learn about digital marketing? Or do you believe that your informative and well-written article would be popular with our readership? If so, feel free to write to us. Your blog ideas on the enormous area of digital marketing and analytics are welcome, and we along with our readership look forward to reading them.

What’s the real deal with DigiUpdate’s Write For Us?

Want to share a compelling digital marketing story or write a guest post on social media marketing or YouTube analytics?

You’ve arrived at the correct spot. In addition to having a large readership and following, our guest post policies are writer-friendly to ensure that your article is published as soon as possible.

DigiUpdates is a knowledge center for digital marketing with a fairly straightforward mission: to assist the audience in locating relevant information on critical digital marketing topics and to regularly provide tutorials to assist aspiring digital marketing learners in building their careers.

What do I get by writing for Digi Updates”?

The following three benefits are yours if you decide to write for us.

  • Have our sizable audience of treasured readers read your articles or guest posts.
  • Acquire backlinks for the sake of your articles’ SEO.
  • Have the chance to interact with our blog’s followers.

We’re hoping you’ll create insightful articles of 800-1200 words for us that will further readers’ advancement in the field of digital marketing.

Write For Us” Guidelines || Content Submission Policies

  • Informative and plagiarism-free content

You should make sure that any informative articles you write are original and free of plagiarism before publishing them online. Also, make sure your post or article hasn’t already been published on other websites.

  • Grammar check and SEO formatting

We value our readers and do not wish to provide them with subpar, poorly-written articles. Therefore, kindly make sure that your articles are free of grammatical errors (you can also use Grammarly) and that they are submitted with the correct SEO format, which should include headings 1, headings 2, and bullet points and quotes if necessary.

  • Credits and hyperlinking

Use proper hyperlinks when submitting articles to indicate and give credit for any words, phrases, images, reports/data, or other material that were obtained from other websites or web resources.

  • Appropriate and accurate information

Please refrain from posting false material that could harm your reputation and the reputation of our website as well. Only include appropriate facts and factual data that has been properly credited.

  • Bylines or author’s credit

We enabled author’s credits or bylines that might be a few sentences long or less than 80 words in order to offer more impact or credibility to your profile. For this, you must include a brief biographical statement about you, your business, your position, your title, and your interests or hobbies either directly under the Content Title or at the end of the piece.

You can check our other blog to get an IDEA

Importance of Content in SEO

SMO Company in 2023: A Year of Social Media Optimization

Dos and Don’ts of DigiUpdates “Write For Us” segment


  • Use creativity and craft data-driven content.
  • Use keywords appropriately
  • Hyperlink data or journals as sources
  • Add images and media to build credibility


  • Don’t do keyword stuffing
  • Don’t include spam links
  • Avoid giving misleading information

Interested to publish your first article with DigiUpdates? Contact us via email at articles@digiupdates.net

Or fill out this form

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